Classic / 12 April, 2019

Does Your Business Need A Website?

Business owners feel pressured to create a website of their own, but their resources aren’t limitless and building one for shallow reasons usually backfires. This article will help any business owner decide if running a website is the right decision for their employees, customers, and investors.

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Classic, Columns / 19 September, 2018

The Movement That Will Change the Future of Sports Management

(Florence, Italy): Proimpact, a global marketing consultancy group, is spearheading an initiative to identify talented sporting personalities and provide them with all the crucial resources to become an icon in their respective fields.

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Classic, Columns / 17 July, 2018

The Emerging Revolution in Business and Leadership

Proimpact is a marketing consultancy located within Florence Italy, Dubai UAE, Tripoli Libya and Quito Ecuador. We specialize in providing strategies and Business solutions towards small-medium entities, entrepreneurs and talents to grow economically with a sustainable approach that orbits around each individual unique business.

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Classic / 21 June, 2018

Invitation for Talents, Entrepreneurs and Dreamers

We are your new best friends in the world of business!

There is no one out there who understands your life better than you do! Yet, you turn to a dear friend when a challenge comes knocking on your door. Why? Because they have your best interests at heart, they speak from experience, and they bring a fresh perspective.

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Classic / 4 June, 2018


German economy has been on the forefront when it comes to influences on the economy of Europe. It is one of the founding countries of the EU (or European Union). Initially, the EU was purposefully created to ensure that the continent of Europe never goes to war, thus guaranteeing a stable continent that may never be torn apart. Soon after the Second World War, the neighboring countries of Germany were skeptical that the country might re-militarize.

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Classic / 4 June, 2018

What is Risk Management? – (Synectics Plc) Case study

Risk is any situation that exposes a business venture or company to uncertainty of the outcome of any move. It may result in a profit or loss for the company. As a result, companies need to take action to mitigate the risk. Risk management is one way to mitigate risk. Through it, companies can reduce the possibility of a risk having a significant impact on profitability.

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Classic / 4 June, 2018

A Comparison Of Zara Supply Chain Management vs Schoeller Industries

The system of activities that take place within the time when products are produced up to when they are delivered to the market for sale is referred to as supply chain (Li 2009, p. 13). The system in this case comprises of people, information, activities, resources, organizations and other elements involved in the preparation of the products.

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